Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the new website
1. What's new in the new Agriwatch website? has been redesigned to give a simple and clean user experience. Besides embracing a new corporate look-and-feel, the navigation and access to content has been made quicker and more intuitive. We have strived to make all important data, reports and news available within 3 clicks of the homepage. Following are some of the new features:
- A clean and simple home-page.
- Selected free content to allow non-subscribers to access some of the important news in the agri commodity sector as and when they need
- A "Commodity Home Page" for individual commodities where all information related to that commodity is available within 1 or 2 mouse clicks.
- Spot market prices in a convenient table on the Commodity Home Page. All available spot prices for the particular commodity displayed here.
- Interactive Charting of all spot market prices. Charts available for 7 days ( accessible to all), 15 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year to give you convenient access to price trends.
- Latest research reports available at a single click from the commodity home page.
- Daily and weekly technical analysis of the Indian futures markets available at a single click from the commodity home page.
- Easy to use Archive section for news, market commentaries, technical analysis and research reports. Archives include content for the last 1 year.
2. Will my existing subscription be affected?
No. All existing subscriptions are carried forward to the new website without any loss of content. In fact, some additional content may be available. Previously, subscribers of only research reports (minus website) had no access to the news, commentaries and other content on the website. They could only access the research reports. Now, subscribers of research reports of a particular commodity also have access to the stories, commentaries, technical analysis, spot prices and interactive charts on the website for the same commodity. For example, if you have subscribed to the Maize and Pulses research reports, you also get access to the stories, commentaries, technical analysis, spot prices and interactive charts on Maize and Pulses on the website. All this is accessible through the same user class="my-2" id and password.
3. What's free and what's not?
Agriwatch still remains a subscription based website with restricted access to premium content . However, the new website is designed to offer more free content so that first time visitors or casual visitors can get a better feel for the content on offer and have a better interactive experience. We do this without compromising the interests of our regular subscribers Free Content:
- All news stories posted in the top section on the homepage of the new website. This includes the top 5 most recently posted news items. As these news items scroll off the top 5, they go into the premium section and can only be accessed by subscribers
- One-day old spot prices. Latest spot prices are available only for paying subscribers.
- 7-day spot price chart. Paying subscribers get to see spot prices for 7 days, 15 days, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year.
- A selection of Daily, Weekly and Monthly research reports from the archive. Note that these will not be the latest research reports which are meant for our paying subscribers
- a. Daily Research Reports: Every fifth research report older than 1 week and newer than 1 year will be free. All other daily research reports are for subscribers only.
- Latest research reports available at a single click from the commodity home page.
- b. Weekly Research Reports: Every 2nd weekly research report of every month from three month ago to 1 year ago will be freely accessible. All other weekly research reports are for subscribers.
- c. Monthly Research Reports: Monthly research reports for January, April, July and September for the preceding year will be freely accessible. Other monthly reports are restricted to subscribers.
4. How to access Research Reports?
Click on the relevant commodity (e.g. Wheat, Maize, Chana, Turmeric, Soy oil, etc.) in the top menu bar to reach the commodity home page for that commodity. Research reports - Daily Fundamental, Daily Technical, Weekly and Monthly - relevant to the selected commodity are available in the top right. For older reports, click the appropriate archive link. The research report for a commodity complex can be accessed from the pages of any of the constituent commodities. For example the Spices Research Report contains analysis of multiple spices - Turmeric, Chilli, Jeera, Pepper, Cardamom, etc. You can reach the Spices research report from the Commodity Home page of any one of these commodities - from Turmeric home page, Chilli home page, etc. Same is the case with Pulses, Oilseeds, Vegoils, Oilmeals and Guar (guar seed and guar gum).