US Wheat crop looks promising as per recent USDA weekly report


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According to the USDA Crop Progress report, approximately 97% of the US Winter Wheat crop has reached the heading stage, slightly up from 96% at the same time last year. Harvesting has begun, with around 40% of the crop already harvested, compared to just 21% last year. Additionally, 52% of the crop is rated as good to excellent, a significant improvement from the 40% reported during the same period last year. Regarding US Spring Wheat, as of June 24th, 2024, 18% has reached heading stage, down as compared to 25% the previous year and out of total 71% of the crop is rated as good to excellent, a significant improvement from the 50% reported during the same period last year Overall, the crop outlook in the US appears promising, indicating a potentially robust supply this year.